3 Swimming pool tips for winter

Winter has arrived. Winterizing your pool is the best course of action since you probably won’t be using your pool for a while. This will minimise the potential damage to your pool while it’s not being used. You will also avoid costly recovery maintenance once summer comes around again. Here are some handy tips on […]

eco-friendly pipe extender

3 Ways the Aquapipe mini extender is eco-friendly

Water is one of the most valuable resources on this planet. You need to carefully consider the ways in which you use water. The systems you use to move and store water can sometimes affect how much of it you use. Carefully consider these systems, as there are eco-friendly options out there. Using environmentally conscious […]

6 Things to know about the Aquapipe drain extender

The Aquapipe Drain Extender is a flexible pipe extender to transfer water from the drainpipe to the pool, parts of the garden, or a storage facility like the Jojo tank. Continue reading to find out why the Aquapipe drain extender is a must-have for any household, whether green or not. Various functions The Aquapipe drain extender is a […]

3 Things that make our pool equipment reliable

The highlight of your kids’ summer could be having a pool, but we understand that maintaining it can be difficult. Investing in quality pool equipment helps make the task easier. For the following reasons, Aquaflex products are the quality you need. Superior materials We manufacture our products from superior materials to ensure they are built […]

3 Reasons pool covers keep your child and pet safe during the summer holidays

Summer holidays are around the bend, and this means pool season! Home pools promise endless summer fun but also comes with a lot of responsibility. During this time, pool safety is a major concern for pool owners, especially parents and those that keep pets. It is important to ensure a safe and pleasurable environment where […]

can all dogs swim

The answer may surprise you, read our comprehensive guide with tips for pool safety for pets.

Safety of children and pets around swimming pools is the number one responsibility of all pool owners. How many people mistook the ability of a dog to paddle for ‘swimming’ with dire consequences? Our comprehensive guide to pool safety for pets assists you in taking that responsibility seriously. In this comprehensive guide to pet safety […]

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